Spacetime &
International Physical
The following instructions are necessarily detailed. By following them carefully, authors can avoid delays in the publication of their articles and can reduce the possibility of errors caused by the conversion of improperly formatted manuscripts or errors introduced if such manuscripts have to be rekeyed.
Research articles must conform to contemporary scholarly standards appropriate for an archival journal, and must include an abstract and bibliographic citations. Articles will be sent to one or more referees. Reviewers will be given the option of providing an anonymous report or a signed report critical of the article which may be published along with the article by agreement of the editor, author and referee. Since one of the aims of the Journal is to encourage debate and discussion of issues, the publication of critical reviews is encouraged in the event of disagreement between authors and referee(s) provided the research article demonstrates appropriate scholarship to warrant publication.
Editorial Board accepts the manuscripts for the publication only in an electronic view in the format of LATEX 2.09 or LATEX 2e. They should be completely prepared for the publication. The manuscripts are accepting by e-mail or on diskettes (3.5"). The manuscripts in other formats (Word, WordPerfect, TEX, etc.) are not accepting.
The original manuscripts should preferably be no longer 6 pages. They should contain no more than 4 figures. Length of the manuscript can be up to 10 pages only in exclusive cases (at arguing problems of prime importance). If length of the manuscript exceeds 10 pages, it should be parted by the author to two or more papers, each of which should contains all attributes of separate paper (title, authors, abstract, text, references, etc.).
Editorial Board accepts for publication brief discussions. They should not be longer than two journal pages in length and should include no more than one figure. They are made out the same as also other papers.
The author must state that the article has not been previously published nor currently submitted elsewhere for publibishing.
The publication of materials submitted is free of page charges. Each author gains free of charge electronic version of the issue, in which his/her paper is published.
Editorial Board accepts also recalls on papers, published in the Journal. They may include formulas, figures should be ecluded and the total volume cannot exceed one journal page. The recalls are publishing in the section "Discussion".
Letters to the Editor intended for publication should be clearly identified as such. They should not exceed one journal page and will be published, possibly in edited form, at the discretion of the editor.
An e-mail message acknowledging the receipt of the manuscript will be sent to the corresponding author within two working days after deriving the manuscript. If a message is not received please contact to inquire about the manuscript.
Manuscripts should be submitted to the Editorial Board on standard A4 sheets of paper.
The text should contain the title, the author(s), the affiliation(s), exact post address(es) and an abstract. Sections, figures and tables are numbered in Arabic numerals.
An abstract should be made out in one column, and the remaining text should be made out in two columns. Style file (STAS2000.sty) and the special template for the creation of messages in the debatable part of the journal (stas-sam.tex) are developed. These files and instruction on their usage are in the archive SAMPLE.ZIP (19 kb).
Before submition, please familiarize yourself with the Journal by reading a few issues.
An abstract (within 20 lines) must be submitted. This should be concise and complete without reference to the body of the paper. Include purpose, methodology, results, and conclusions. References should not be cited in the abstract. The abstract should be suitable for separate publication in an abstract journal and be adequate for indexing.
Authors are expected to use correct spelling, punctuation, grammar, and syntax. The metric system must be used throughout; use of appropriate SI units is encouraged.
If the argument of an exponential is complicated or lengthy, "exp'' rather than "e" should be used. Awkward fractional composition can be avoided by the proper introduction of negative powers. In text, solidus fractions (l/r) should be used, and enough enclosures should be included to avoid ambiguity. According to the accepted convention, parentheses, brackets, and braces are in the order { [ ( ) ] }. Displayed equations should be numbered consecutively throughout the paper; the number (in parentheses) should be to the right of the equation.
Figures (black-and-while) should be of minimal size providing clear understanding. Breadth of figure should not exceed 84 mm or 174 mm (in exclusive cases). Figures should be made out as separate files in the format of *.pcx or *eps (minimum of kb). Each figure must be cited in numerical order in text and must have figure legend.
Tables should be typed as authors expect them to look in print. Every table must have a title, and all columns must have headings. Column headings must be arranged so that their relation to the data is clear. Footnotes should be indicated by reference marks *, , , , ) or by lowercase letters typed as superiors. Each table must be cited in text.
The list of references may be formed either by first citation in the text or alphabetically. Only works cited in the text should be included in the reference list. Personal communications and unpublished data or reports are not included in the reference list; they should be shown parenthetically in text: (F. S. Jones, unpublished data, 1990). The title of paper permissibles to not indicate. It is permissible to give only the initial page number of a paper. The format of the list of reference is as indicated:
[1] F.W. Stecker, K.J. Frost, Nature, 245, 270 (1973).
[2] N.A. Zhuck, "Quadrodynamics as the New Relativistic Quantum Theory of Space, Time and Fundamental Interactions." Spacetime & Substance, 4, 17, 67-68 (2003).
[3] V.A. Brumberg, "Relativistic Celestial Mechanics," Nauka, Moskow, 1972 (in Russian).
[4] S.W. Hawking, in: "General Relativity. An Einstein Centenary Sutvey," eds. S.W. Hawking and W. Israel, Cambr. Univ. Press, Cambridge, England, 1979.
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