The 12th century fresco "Angel rolling Heaven," scene from "The Last Judgment" composition, Saint Cyryl's Church in Kyiv, Ukraine. St. Cyryl's Church is a valuable specimen of old Ukrainian architecture, which was mainly preserved its original architectural forms and mural paintings of the 12th century. Over 800 square meters of wonderful frescos have survived up to our day. Among them are "The Eucharist" and "The Father of the Church," "The Presentation" and others. The church was built by Vsevolod Olhovych, the Prince of Chernihiv in 1146. At that time Chernihiv was the second city of Kyiv Rous, the ancient state of Ukrainian land. The Church includes also the tomb of Price Sviatoslav Vsevolodovych, one of the characters of the ancient Slavic literary masterpiece, "The Sayings of Prince Ihor".