Spacetime & Substance
International Physical Journal

CONTENTS of No. 1(1)-2000

Address to the readers (1)
A. Einstein. On the electrodynamics of moving bodies (2)
Yu.S. Vladimirov. Gravitation and binary geometrophysics (15)
N.A. Zhuck. The identity of inertial and gravitation masses is proved! (23)
N.A. Zhuck. The cosmic microwave background as aggregate radiation of all stars (29)
N.D. Kolpakov. The discovery of polarization waves and problems of physics (35)
V.E. Kats. Absolute sign symmetry (41)
Discussion (44)
The questionnaire (44)
The Ukrainian-Rissian Gravitation Conference (45)
Research and Technological Institute of Transcription, Translation and Replication, JSC (47)

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A. Einstein. On the electrodynamics of moving bodies

It is the first (and basic) work of the Einstein Relativity Theory. Up to this paper by an Einstein in 1901-1905. Eight operations on a molecular physics were published and the theories of light. The article is included in the Collection of 1913 (H. A. Lorentz. Das Relativitatsprinzip, eine Sammlung von Abhandlungen. Leipzig, Teubner, 1913). The Collection was some times reprinted Also was translated on the English and French languages. The English translation of the Collection was issued in England (H. A. Lorentz. The Principle of Relativity, the Collection of original memories. London, Methuen, 1923), and also in Indium ( The Principle of Relativity. Original papers, by A. Einstein and H. Minkowski, Calcutta, 1920). The French translation of paper (translation by M. Solovin) is issued in 1925 (Paris, Gauthier). Russian translation was published under edition by B. K. Frederiks and D. D. Ivanenko in 1936 ( The Principle of Relativity. H. A. Lorentz, A. Poincare, A. Einstein and H. Minkowski. ONTI, 1935).

This edition of Einstein's On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies is based on the English translation of his original 1905 German-language paper (published as Zur Elektrodynamik bewegter Korper, in Ann. Phys. 1905, 17, 891--921) which appeared in the book The Principle of Relativity, published in 1923 by Methuen and Company, Ltd. of London. Most of the papers in that collection are English translations from the German Das Relativitatsprinzip, 4th ed., published by in 1922 by Tuebner. All of these sources are now in the public domain; this document, derived from them, remains in the public domain and may be reproduced in any manner or medium without permission, restriction, attribution, or compensation. Numbered footnotes are as they appeared in the 1923 edition. The 1923 English translation modified the notation used in Einstein's 1905 paper to conform to that in use by the 1920's; for example, c denotes the speed of light, as opposed the V used by Einstein in 1905. Besides the numbering of the formulas is added for convenience of the references registration and arguing of this document.

Yu.S. Vladimirov. Gravitation and binary geometrophysics

New physical paradigm is offered, which termed binary geometrophysics, for building of the integrated theory of physical interactions, including gravitational. Three grades of physical ideas have served as building falseworks: 1) about macroscopic (statistical) nature of classical space-time, 2) the idea of the concept of a long-range action, finding the implementation in the Fokker-Feynman direct particle interaction theory and 3) ideas of multivariate geometrical models of physical interactions such as the Kaluza-Klein theory . The mathematical basis of the binary geometrophysics is made with the theory of binary systems of the complex relations (BSCR) -- the Kulakov's complexified theory of physical structures, processed in the spirit of the theory of reference systems in the General Relativity.

The pre-image of the integrated theory of strong and electroweak interactions is constructed in the framework of binary geometrophysics. BSCR of a rank (6,6) is used for this purpose. It is shown, that by the pre-image of the known Lagrangians of physical interactions are peculiar volumes in binary geometry.

Gravitational interactions have not the self-maintained (primary) status in the given approach and have secondary origin of electroweak interactions. They arise at transition from a complex of primary concepts of physics of a microcosm to macroconcepts, which includes transition from elementary bases implemented by separate microparticles, to macrodevices (ensembles of elementary particles). Thus classical concepts of space-time, metric, geometrical dimensionality and causality arise.

N.A. Zhuck. The identity of inertial and gravitation masses is proved!

It is shown, that the Einstein equations with the cosmological term describe only the flat and static Universe. They are conversed to the field shape and are simplified under these requirements. The solution of these equations is found in the shape of the Yukawa potential, which contains the constant called as the gravitational interactions radius. The concept of a gravitational interactions area of a material body with the Universe is defined according to the constant. It is shown, that the given area changes its location in the space at acceleration or retarding of the body action. It is accompanied by energy change of the body gravitational connections with the Universe. The identity of inertial and gravitational masses is proved unambiguous at definition of the character and quantity of these changes according to the Mach principle.

N.A. Zhuck. The cosmic microwave background as aggregate radiation of all stars

It is shown, that the cosmic microwave background radiation can be aggregate radiation of all stars of the stationary Universe spatial dissipation of electromagnetic waves energy available. The temperature formula of this radiation is deduced. It is shown, that spectrum has properties of black-body radiation as well as the law of electromagnetic waves spreading and the Hubble diagram are compatible. The quantitative rates of aggregate stars radiation are quoted and their conformity to the characteristics of the really observable cosmic microwave background radiation is shown.

N.D. Kolpakov. The discovery of polarization waves and problems of physics

The new paradigma of matter structure is formulated on the base of proof of ether's materiality and electrical polarizability. New energy-and-information carrier -- polarization waves (P-waves) -- is discovered. No restrictions by light speed are put on P-waves propagation velocity. Particles of pramatter (ether) with charge smaller then electron charge have been discovered. Ansed been physical problems are discussed.

V.E. Kats. Absolute sign symmetry

In the article the concept is submitted which combines many virtues of the complex numbers theory with a refusal from a fabrication of numbers distinct from real numbers, i. e. the offered article represents base, leaning on which it was possible to create the rather effective concept, alternate theories of complex numbers...

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