Spacetime & Substance
International Physical Journal


15. May 12-13, 2004. The International Scientific Seminar "To physics of principles and nature of fundamental interactions" took place in the Research and Technological Institute of Transcription, Translation and Replication. It devoted 150 anniversary from birthday A. Poincare.

14. January 31, 2004. The new style file STAS2004.STY designed for the journal. It is compatible to papers with an old style file STAS2001.STY. See Information for authors, SAMPLE.ZIP.

13. December 15, 2003. All issues of the journal in 2004 are accessible from the site without paying.

12. June 23-27, 2003. The International Scientific Conference "GRAVITATION, COSMOLOGY AND RELATIVISTIC ASTROPHYSICS" (GRAV-2003) took place in Kharkiv.

11. November 18, 2002. All issues of the journal in 2003 are accessible from the site without paying.

10. March 1, 2002. Our e-mail address was changed. New addreses: - Editor-in-chief; - Vice Editor; - Editorial office.

9. December 25, 2001. All issues of the journal in 2000-2002 are accessible from the site without paying.

8. April 26-27, 2001. The International Seminar on a gravitation "The theoretical backgrounds and experimental facts of gravitational screening of a substance" took place in the Research and Technological Institute of Transcription, Translation and Replication.

7. Februery 12, 2001. "Spacetime & Substance" has received Certificate of the series AB, No. 4858, issued by the State Committee for Information Policy, TV and Broadcasting of Ukraine.

6. November 8-11, 2000. The Ukrainian-Rissian Conference "GRAVITATION, COSMOLOGY AND RELATIVISTIC ASTROPHYSICS" (GRAV-2000) took place in Kharkiv.

5. October, 2000. Paper version of "Spacetime & Substance" No. 1 was published.

4. September, 2000. Electronic version of "Spacetime & Substance" No. 1 wos formed.

3. September 18, 2000. The Research and Technological Institute of Transcription, Translation and Replication has received the Licence for publishing of the series DK, No. 184, issued by the State Committee for Information Policy, TV and Broadcasting of Ukraine.

2. October 30, 1998. The 1-st Scientific Conference "NEW CONCEPTS ABOUT WORLD ANDSTRUCTURE OF SUBSTANCE" was held in the Research and Technological Institute of Transcription, Translation and Replication.

1. September, 1996. The Research and Technological Institute of Transcription, Translation and Replication (JSC) was founded.

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