UKRAINE ISSN 1726-4499

Spacetime & Substance
International Physical Journal


Certificate of the series AB, No. 4858, issued by the State Committee for Information Policy, TV and Broadcasting of Ukraine (February 12, 2001).
The Journal is published by the Research and Development Institute of Transcription, Translation and Replication, JSC (Kharkiv, Ukraine).

Spacetime & Substance is a discussion journal on problems of theoretical and experimental physics in the field of research of space, time and substance. The journal publishes:
The volume of one issue is 48 pages. Format is A4. The periodicity is 5 issues per one year. The language is English. The equivalent versions: paper and electronic (*.TEX, *.PS, *.PDF).
Editorial Board:
N.A. Zhuck (Kharkiv, Ukraine)
- Editor-in-chief
V.V. Krasnoholovets (Kyiv, Ukraine)
- Vice Editor
B.N. Adamovich (Kyiv, Ukraine)
M.M. Abdildin (Almaty, Kazakhstan)
L.Ya. Arifov (Simferopol, Ukraine)
Yu.A. Bogdanov (Kharkiv, Ukraine)
B.V. Bolotov (Kyiv, Ukraine)
P. Carlos (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
M.J.F.T. Cabbolet (Eindhoven, Holland)
P. Flin (Krakow, Poland)
L.P. Fominsky (Cherkasy, Ukraine)
Yu.M. Galaev (Kharkiv, Ukraine)
J. Gil (Zielona Gora, Poland)
A.V. Kinderevich (Kyiv, Ukraine)
N.D. Kolpakov (Kharkiv, Ukraine)
A. Loinger (Milan, Italy)
I.Yu. Miklyaev (Kharkiv, Ukraine)
V. Mioc (Bucharest, Romania)
Z.G. Murzakhanov (Kazan, Russia)
Lj. Neshich (Nish, Yugoslavia)
P.G. Niarxos (Athens, Greece)
V.I. Noskov (Moscow, Russia)
J. Quiroga (Pereira, Colombia)
V.L. Rvachev (Kharkiv, Ukraine)
A.A. Romanov (Kharkiv, Ukraine)
S.S. Sannikov-Proskurjakov (Kharkiv, Ukraine)
V. Skalsky (Trnava, Slovakia)
V.I. Skubaev (Cherkasy, Ukraine)
R. Triay (Marseille, France)
V.Ya. Vargashkin (Oryol, Russia)
Yu.S. Vladimirov (Moscow, Russia) <

Executive Editor: V.V. Moroz; Technical Editor: A.M. Varaksin.

Editorial Office:
Zhuck N.A., RTI TTR, 3 Kolomenska St., UA-61166 Kharkiv, Ukraine
Tel.: +38 (0572) 19-55-77. Tel./Fax: +38 (0572) 409-298; 409-594; 141-164; 141-165
E-mail: - Editor-in-chief; - Vice Editor; - Editorial office.

© Research and Development Institute of Transcription, Translation and Replication, JSC.
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