Spacetime & Substance
International Physical Journal

CONTENTS of No. 2(2)-2000

The editorial board (49)
A. Einstein. The equations of the gravitational field (51)
Bijan Saha. Solitons of induced scalar field and their stability (53)
V.Ya. Vargashkin Analysis of HIP#54268 phenomenon as the earliest from candidates to gravitational microlens (60)
N.A. Zhuck. Gravitational viscosity and geodetic curvature of the universe (71)
Vasile Ureche and Rodica Roman. The Kepler`s third law in gravitational maneff`s field (78)
V.A. Smirnov, G.I. Kuzjmenko. Cosmogony and evolution of comet and meteor substance in the solar system (81)
A.V. Snagoschenko and S.V. Bondarenko. Philosophical problems of fundamental concepts: "Perpetuite", "Gravitation" (86)
The Ukrainian-Russian Gravitation Conference "GRAVITATION, COSMOLOGY AND RELATIVISTIC ASTROPHYSICS". (90)
Discussion (96)
New books (96)

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A. Einstein. The equations of the gravitational field

The exact equation of gravitation with a tensor T_{ab}-1/2g_{ab}T occurs for the first time in this operation. The introduction of the second term has liberated, at last, Einstein from necessity to superimpose on the tensor T_{ab} requirements T=0. It finished making the General Theory of Relativity.

Bijan Saha. Solitons of induced scalar field and their stability

Exact particle-like static, spherically and/or cylindrically symmetric solutions to the equations of interacting scalar and electromagnetic field system have been obtained. We considered Freedman-Robertson-Walker (FRW) space-time as an external homogenous and isotropic gravitational field whereas the homogeneous and anisotropic Universe is given by the Godel model. Beside the usual solitonian solutions some special regular solutions know as droplets, anti-droplets and bags (confined in finite interval and having trivial value beyond it) have been obtained. It has been shown that in FRW space-time equations with different interaction terms may have stable solutions while within the scope of Godel model only the droplet-like and the hat-like configurations may be stable, if they are located in the region where g^{00}>0.

V.Ya. Vargashkin. Analysis of HIP#54268 phenomenon as the earliest from candidates to gravitational microlens

The analysis of the characteristics of HIP #54268 phenomenon, which according to data of ESA HIPPARCOS catalogue is a short-time non-repeated brilliance strengthening of FH Leo star, as the earliest from the known phenomena of the gravitational microlensing.

N.A. Zhuck. Gravitational viscosity and geodetic curvature of the universe

It is shown that the Universe is not a conservative system. This property is shown physically as tractive resistance of material bodies termed as gravitational viscosity, and as diminution of light frequency with distance known as redshift, i. . as a loss (dispersion) of their energy. This property is shown as geodetic curvature of the Universe from the point of view of geometry. The Galilei generalized transformations are given and the invariance of the new equation of a free motion of a material body concerning these transformations is shown.

Vasile Ureche and Rodica Roman. The Kepler`s third law in gravitational maneff`s field

Starting with the two body problem in gravitational Maneff`s field and considering that here alpha is a small parameter, the form of the Kepler`s third law is established. For alpha=0 this is reduced to the classical Kepler`s third law. The anomalistic period in Maneff`s field is evaluated and it is related to the orbital period, these two periods being equal for alpha=0. As a practical application, for some concrete kinds of binary systems the values of the parameter alpha are estimated. In addition, the differences between the orbital period in Maneff`s field and the corresponding Newtonian field are computed. Also the differences between the anomalistic period and orbital period in Maneff`s field are considered.

V.A. Smirnov, G.I. Kuzjmenko. Cosmogony and evolution of comet and meteor substance in the solar system

Peculiarities of meteor radiation - dependence of radiated spectra on meteor's velocity, change of meteor spectrum along its path in accordance with Wien's Law, final flares typical for fast meteor showers etc. - allow us to imagine the physical picture of entering the Earth atmosphere by Near-Earth Objects and to estimate the results of such impacts more accessibly. Newest experimental data give us a possibility to make a conclusion about additional, comparably with the classical data, encrease of Earth' mass, wchich are not object to classical description of heat flow of planets ans Sun, existence of similar to ester all-penetrating particles, etc. Given data allow us to make a conclusion about the persistant arising of scattering substance. One of the results of this process observing in the Solar system are short-period comets, minicomets, large meteoroids, observational slow sporadic meteors etc. Unity in the evolution of scattering substance is confirmed by spectral observations and by direct measurements from space stations. Total wave nature of both, the musical proportions and geometrical constructions of Solar system according to J.Kepler [7], enable us to make conclusions about its cosmogony and distribution of bodies of this system.

A.V. Snagoschenko and S.V. Bondarenko. Philosophical problems of fundamental concepts: "Perpetuite", "Gravitation"

In the article on an example of two fundamental concepts of a cosmology, - ``perpetuity'' and ``gravitation'' - the authors show unfitness of conventional general world outlook and general philosophical doctrines in build-up of the consistent theories and models of the Universe, pattern of the world as a whole. They also show an inconsistency and unauthenticity of a conventional method abstract view for formation of concepts ostensibly reflecting an objective reality, material world. The authors of the article put a problem on ``insuperable'' inconsistencies and problems revealing in all fundamental concepts and theories of a modern science and making of a consistent alternate world science, pattern of the world as a whole.

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